Killer Toys-Exclusive Gangsters Inc
 March 2004 - The nefarious Giovanni "Don" Moncinni, from Mezco's "Gangsters, Inc." has muscled his way into a Killer Toys exclusive. This impressive figure stands a hulking 10" in scale and is designed in roto-cast vinyl. The Don, (A.K.A. The Diablo Don and Slugger Moncinni) is inspired by infamous gangsters from the 20's and 30's, and for this exclusive stint, he trades in his traditional pinstripes and spats for a cool white suit. He still maintains all his menacing detail and authentic accessories, like baseball bat, walking stick, fedora and, of coarse, a "dead fish." Look for "The Don" to hit retail in Spring 2004. In a recent statement, Mezco Toyz confirmed the new exclusive, adding, "We made Killer Toys an offer they couldn't refuse."
Mezco Toyz, the koolectible toy company, focuses on creating brands as well as manufacturing licensed properties. With its undivided attention to detail, play value and exquisite execution, Mezco takes toy making seriously and everything else with a grain of salt. Always expect the unexpected from this off beat, unique toy company.