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GI JOE Turns 40 in Atlanta

March 2004 - JOE-LANTA is the GIJOE/Action Figure collectible show that is held annually in Atlanta, Georgia. In each of its first three years, JOE-LANTA drew over 500 attendees to "HOT-LANTA". Collectors come from around the Southeast region and from across the United States to enjoy two days of action figure fun. The 2004 show, planned for March 27th and 28th, will be the fourth JOE-LANTA Show and will be the largest yet. Show promoters Lanny Lathem and Buddy Finethy are expecting 1,000 attendees for JOE-LANTA 2004. This year is also very special as 2004 is the 40th anniversary of GIJOE!

JOE-LANTA 2004 will feature over 125 tables of GIJOE and Action Figure collectibles. There are also events planned for attendees on March 27th, the Saturday evening before the show. These events will include guest speakers, video presentations, an intimate pre-show sales event with a select group of dealers AND something new for 2004! Competing film makers are being asked to produce short films using film or video of 15 minutes or less in length, using 1/6th scale action figures. Check out the JOE-LANTA website for more information at www.joelanta.com or call 770-772-3680.

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