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Living Toyz Has Issues With Korn Doll

livingtoyz_logo_grn.jpg - 8122 BytesLiving Toyz will be releasing it's much anticipated Korn doll soon. The doll, one of the most popular items shown this year at Toy Fair, will be available in three versions.

The regular edition Korn doll, featuring the band's logo in black on the front and "Issues" (title of the Korn album upon which the doll is based) on the back, will be available in retail stores this June.

The doll shown with the Korn logo in red on the front is a special chase item, available in very limited quantities (1 in every 24 dolls will sport the red logo).

The Korn doll featuring "Sick and Twisted Tour" stiched on the back will only be available at Korn concerts, as well as through the Official Korn website.1,000 dolls recently sold out in two nights between St. Louis and Kansas City concerts, and the dolls made available to the band's website have been flying out of the webstore. Living Toyz just made 3,000 European dolls for the band's European tour this month and new dolls are being made for this summer's tour with Metallica and on their own headlining tour. The dolls are out there, but they will be limited and hard to get.

Each plush-stuffed canvas doll is approximately 10" tall.

[Updated 4/28/2000]

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