Hellboy Contest at LittlePlasticMen
 April 2004 - (Sponsor Announcement) (Houston, TX) littleplasticmen.com... where action figures are what's in store, unveiled its new contest for the month of April. Once again, Hellboy is the focus. The new movie is due to hit the silver screen tomorrow starring Ron Perlman as the big red guy. The site's April grand prize is a Hellboy movie one-sheet poster autographed by Hellboy creator Mike Mignola (there's a sketch too!) and the film's director Guillermo del Toro, and a copy of the newly released Hellboy - The Art of the Movie soft back book.
To enter, just purchase anything from the site during the month of April. You will automatically be entered into the contest. Multiple purchases are welcome, of course, but your name will only be entered into the drawing once. We will announce the winner the first week of May.
Congratulations goes out to Derrick Tomlin of Florida. He won the autographed Hellboy one-sheet and autographed Hellboy journal in the March contest. Way to go, Derrick!