New Arrivals at Big Bad Toy Store
 May 26, 2004 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer has several new items of interest to collectors:
20% OFF ALL VINTAGE ITEMS: Thousands of items on our vintage menus are now available for 20% off the regular listed prices. This sale ends 12:00 Noon on Friday the 28th (central time) Please read the sale details on the main vintage menu and be sure to scroll through our vintage menus for great deals on a huge variety of items.
PRE-ORDER MICROMAN: We've listed 8 new Microman pre-orders - none have pictures available yet, but we expect them within a week. Figures coming this summer include Spiderman, Batgirl & Batman, Devil Man, Devil Man & Silence, and a new set of 4 'Machine' figures named Kong, Tiger, Stinger and Miller.
PRE-ORDER SMALLEST TRANSFORMERS: A cool exclusive item will be arriving from Japan in July/August - this set is a boxed 2-pack of the smallest Transformers Optimus and Megatron. They will be packed in the classic 'versus' packaging - similar to the vintage japanese G1 versus set of Optimus and Megatron. The set is priced at $18.99 and it also comes with a Japanese hobby magazine (which is responsible for producing this exclusive)
LORD OF THE RINGS: We've received RotK Wave 5 figures - now available are the very cool Morgul Lord Witch King, King of the Dead - which glows in the dark, and Faramir in Gondolian Armor. Back in stock are the Legolas and Horse, Aragorn & Brego, and Sharku and Warg horse/rider sets. More of the Crossbow set have also arrived.
PRE-ORDER SOUL OF CHOGOKIN & GUNDAM: More great new releases coming this summer & fall from Bandai. The GX-24 Tetsujin 28, GX-08A Mazinger Angel Aphrodite A, and GX-14 EVA-01 re-issue are all available for pre-ordering. Also now available are FIX 0021a and 0021b, Zeonography 3004a and 3004b, and the MechaGodzilla 2004 Black version.
SPIDER-MAN 2: Wave 3 Spider-Man 2 movie figures have arrived. This wave features two new versions of Spiderman - Web Blast S.M. and Spin & Kick S.M. with subway backdrop and 2 Doc Ock arms. Doc Ock himself is also available and is the coolest figure in this wave!
PRE-ORDER TAKARA BT-07 & BT-08: More number switching from Takara - the Mazda RX-8 Binaltech figure is now the BT-08 (we will adjust all pre-orders automatically) Takara will be releasing a second repaint of Smokescreen - the new release is the BT-07 Smokescreen Imprezza WRX 2004 version (BT-01 was the 2003 version). We don't have a picture yet of the BT-07, but should have it soon.
TRANSFORMERS BUSTS: The Jazz Bust has arrived - $44.99 on TF Menu SIMPSONS BUSTS: Krusty the Clown is $34.99 on the Sideshow Menu DAWN: The Dawn Action Figure is $14.99 on the 'Other' Menu