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OAFEnet's May Madness Week 5

OAFEnet - May 30, 2004

We're always talking about how NECA (or Palisades or ToyBiz or whoever) is one of the best companies around today. Well, it's time to determine once and for all who is the best of the best. At least in terms of a fully arbitrary vote by the people who really matter, the customers.

All this month, we're hosting May Madness: the tournament-style elimination bracket that pits companies against one another. Who will take it? Whose toys will reign supreme?!

oafenet toy company bracket

Well, this is it: the final countdown. Two companies enter, only one company leaves. Generic confrontational statement. Exciting, isn't it?

This is it: the top two companies. NECA and ToyBiz.

After surprising everyone week after week, Lego finally bowed out for the folks over at NECA. I guess that Hellraiser, Freddy vs. Kason and Kill Bill, combined with the promise of Ghostbusters and Pirates of the Carribean were just too much for the little Dutch company to stand.

ToyBiz vs. Palisades was a much tougher decision than the final numbers might suggest - considering how late all the votes come in, it seems likely that a lot of fans really had to mull this one over for a while. But let that be a lesson: no matter how great your toys are, if fans think they're overpriced, they'll steer clear. ToyBiz's combination of quality and price have carried them into the finals.

To see how everyone did in week four and to learn about the companies at hand, just visit http://www.oafe.net/articulation/ and follow the link. Everyone is welcome to voice their support for the competitors in the individual threads - who knows, you may help sway undecided voters your way and keep your company alive. Voting will remain open until the weekend.

To vote, you must be a registered member of our message board, the Loafing Lounge. Registration is free and easy, and there is no obligation.

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