Microman Devilman Pictures
 More Microman, Please! Action-HQ.com J Wong
June 2004 - There has been lots of excitement in the past few months regarding the Microman line since Takara started licensing characters outside its normal more-or-less generic characters. It began first old Anime characters such as Gatchaman and other Go Nagai properties and then with newer more updated ones such as Cashern movie version MA-06. With this high profile release and the tons of accessories that is the cornerstone of Microman, things started getting really hot.

But it was not the announcement of Batman Comic Version MA-07 and Flight Gear Version MA-08 that brought the Microman line more to the US collector's attention. It would have seem like a no-brainer considering the super 40+ points of articulation body, exchangeable parts, accessories-galore that makes this an ideal combination. Now available to us is a small hand-size figure of some of our favorite characters that has real play-ability! Something that both young and old can stick in their pocket and take to the playground or office and have ka-doodles of fun!

Some of you have already heard but there are lots more Western (and Japanese) properties appearing in the coming months. The next highly anticipated character is your friendly neighborhood Spiderman MA-10 being released in July and just about the right timing with the new movie. And in September, Takara is stepping it up further with Catwoman, Batman & Batgirl 2-pack and Devilman & Silene 2-pack. Hopefully we will see more of this to come with other characters such as Predator with all its cool weapons, a whole set of X-mens or even Star Wars, though highly unlikely with Tomy Japan having the license for the comparable 4" Hasbro figure.

We can only hope but in the meantime, feast your eyes on this highly detailed, super-poseable, almost finished Devilman Comic Version MA-09 schedule to be released in July. Now that is how Devilman is suppose to be! Hope it comes with "Devil-" attack accessories! And hopefully a Movie Version for the upcoming Japanese release film.
BTW, you can preorder all your Microman at Action-HQ.com!