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DC Direct Arrivals Update

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June 22, 2004 - Can't remember which DC Direct products are due in at comic book stores soon? Here's the schedule for the next couple of weeks. These release dates are subject to change, sometimes the items are released later than originally planned, and sometimes earlier. (Here's another release date schedule for 2004.)

June 23:

June 30:
July 8:
August 4:
August 18:
From time to time, the shipment dates from Diamond Comics Distributors to comic book stores will be changed (deliveries are usually on Wednesdays) due to various holidays: Diamond Holiday Shipping Schedule: April 2004 - July 2004.


Sculptor Jonathan Matthews has signed a one-year exclusive agreement with DC Comics. Among his other credits, Matthews is the sculptor of the sold-out SANDMAN MANGA STATUE.

"In the short time I've worked for DC Direct, I've had a chance to create projects with some of the industry's finest talent, from artists to art directors," says Matthews. "It's great fun to sculpt projects based on some of my all-time favorite characters, and I look forward to being continually challenged and rewarded as I work with DC Direct!"

"Jon is a truly accomplished young sculptor, and we're very pleased to have him on board," says Georg Brewer, DC's VP - Design & Retail Product Development. "He has a unique point of view that enables him render our characters in three dimensions with exceptional quality, and we're always excited to see his work."

These DC Direct items sculpted by Matthews are available for advance reorder:

  • The CONTEMPORARY TEEN TITANS BLACKFIRE ACTION FIGURE (MAR040385), scheduled to arrive in stores on September 15
  • The CONTEMPORARY TEEN TITANS DEATHSTROKE ACTION FIGURE (MAR040386), scheduled to arrive in stores on September 15
  • The CONTEMPORARY TEEN TITANS ROBIN ACTION FIGURE MAR040387), scheduled to arrive in stores on September 15
  • The CONTEMPORARY TEEN TITANS WONDER GIRL ACTION FIGURE (MAR040388), scheduled to arrive in stores on September 15
  • The BATMAN MINI-BUST (APR040398), scheduled to arrive in stores on October 20

The DEATH MANGA STATUE (STAR20212), also sculpted by Matthews, is available for reorder.

(John G. "Jack" Mathews is a different sculptor for DC, who has also signed an exclusive contract.)

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