eigoMANGA: SAKURA PAK, Anime Expo
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - June 28, 2004 - Executives from eigoMANGA will be at Anime Expo 2004 in Anaheim, California, July 2nd-5th, to interact with anime and manga fans and provide opportunities for them to be involved with eigoMANGA's ground-breaking anime and manga projects.
Starting September 2004, eigoMANGA will produce a series of television commercials to appear on the Cartoon Network to publicize its comic book series, RUMBLE PAK and SAKURA PAK. eigoMANGA invites fans at Anime Expo to pitch their stories and ideas to eigoMANGA's executives for an opportunity to have their ideas molded into the actual commercial that eigoMANGA will produce and broadcast. The winning fan will also have a starring role in the commercial based on their story concept. The executives are looking for ideas that put the emphasis of eigoMANGA as an underground group making it to the mainstream through its comic book series RUMBLE PAK or SAKURA PAK.
In addition to soliciting commercial ideas, eigoMANGA colleagues will also spend the entire event reviewing portfolios for RUMBLE PAK and SAKURA PAK. eigoMANGA is publishing a new volume for RUMBLE PAK as well as a new publication for SAKURA PAK; therefore new artwork from aspiring artists is in high demand. eigoMANGA will offer constructive criticism and sign publishing contracts on the spot at the convention for work that the executives feel can suit either RUMBLE PAK or SAKURA PAK.
The company will be holding the commercial pitch and manga portfolio review at their booth throughout the entire event, including in their "HOW TO DRAW MANGA" workshop.
For more information, visit www.eigoMANGA.com
eigoMANGA Prepares to Launch Shojo Series
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - June 22, 2004 - eigoMANGA will release a new original manga anthology series geared towards a female audience in October 2004 called Sakura Pak. Sakura Pak, a shojo alternative to eigoMANGA's American manga series RUMBLE PAK, is a bi-monthly anthology of seven shojo comics ranging in a variety of genres, such as romance and fantasy. International artists have contributed to the anthology. Tutorials on how to draw manga would also be included in the anthology.
SAKURA PAK was officially announced at eigoMANGA's speaking event at Apple Computer retail store, "Apple Store - San Fancisco" last Thursday in San Francisco. eigoMANGA held a naming contest for the shojo series where it invited anime and manga fans to come up with names for the female-geared publication. The winners who have chosen the name for this new shojo anthology are Janine Hawkins, 17, from Ontario, Canada and Sara E., 17, from Lampasas, Texas. They will get editorial credit in this comic book series plus be drawn in its debut issue.
Some other interesting names fans suggested were "Girls 4 Girls", "Hanami", "The Secret About Girls", "Slumber Party", "Show Me Shoujo", "Dreams" among many others.
The contest also allowed eigoMANGA to find out what female fans wanted to read in a shojo comic book series. Women with ages ranging between 15 to 30 and from as far as Nigeria participated in the shojo study. According to the study, women mostly want to read comics about girls who are intelligent, know what they're doing but also can be fun and daring. Not surprisingly, women who surveyed in the shojo study do not want to read about unnecessary nudity/language, sentimentality and "bimbos with big breasts". What is surprising is that the women who participated in the study have had enough of reading "comic books about boy trouble".
SAKURA PAK will be in stores nationwide starting in October 2004.
For more information visit: eigoMANGA - http://www.eigoMANGA.com.