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Riddick Figures Now in Stores

July 8, 2004 - After almost five years, Riddick has returned... and SOTA Toys has captured him!

SOTA Toys has released action figures of Riddick, Kyra, Lord Marshal, Vaako and a Lenser Necro. Each figure is in 7" movie scale, with multiples points of articulation and each comes with accessories and weapons. Look for a special Riddick/Hellhound boxed set from the movie to be released shortly.

These figures are available at Musicland, Sam Goody, and Suncoast and are shipping to other fine retailers as well.

In The Chronicles of Riddick, Vin Diesel returns as anti-hero Richard B. Riddick in the epic sequel to Pitch Black, facing off against the Necromongers bent on universal domination.

To see images of the Riddick action figures, check out a March 2004 news item or SOTA's Riddick section on their web site.

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