Sale at Big Bad Toy Store
 July 21, 2004 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer is having a sale:
Hi - Just a quick message from to let you know we are having a 10% Off Sale.
All orders for 'in-stock' items placed between now and Wednesday 7/21 at 10:00 AM Central Time will be discounted 10%! (Pre-Order items are not included in this sale.)
Please be sure to read the sales info page - located here:
This sale includes every 'in-stock' item we have as well as every item on the vintage menu, so be sure to take a look around our site.
BBTS AT OTFCC SHOW - We will be packing up several trucks and trailers full of transformers and a variety of high-end imported Japanese toys to bring to the OTFCC show (Official TransFormers Collector's Convention) OTFCC 2004 will be held at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Chicago, IL this July 31 & August 1. If you are in the Chicago area or feel like taking a road-trip its definitely a great show with many discussion panels, guests, displays and of course the impressive dealer room filled with an immense amount of items. We'll be setting up about a 70 foot long display of tables and 70 feet of shelving behind us, so be sure to stop by! OTFCC welcomes 'walk-in' guests and prices are only $20 per day or $30 per weekend per person. For those of you who can't make the show, we are pre-selling the OTFCC 2004 exclusives (Megazarak & Sentinel Maximux) on our pre-order menu. For full info and directions to the show go to
Thanks for your interest in, be sure to take advantage of our sale and we hope to see many of you at OTFCC! We greatly enjoy meeting our customers in person and it will give you a chance to meet a portion of the BBTS staff