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Action-HQ: Carded McFarlane Images

available at action-hq.com

August 17, 2004 - (Sponsor Announcement) Action-HQ.com - bringing the Best to you FIRST in McFarlane Toys with Conan, 12" Alien/Predator, Elvis "50th Anniversary", Kiss ShotGun & lots more!

Carded images of these new toys:
- 12" Predator action figure (4 pictures - 381k total)
- 12" Elvis ('68 Special) action figure (3 pictures - 271k total)
- 12" Alien action figure (4 pictures - 314k total)
- 50th Anniversary Elvis action figure (2 pictures - 169k total)
- KISS Love Gun box set (4 pictures - 355k total)
- Ozzy Osbourne - Bark at the Moon (2 pictures - 168k total)
- Beatles Yellow Submarine: George (2 pictures - 198k total)
- Beatles Yellow Submarine: Ringo (2 pictures - 198k total)
- Beatles Yellow Submarine: Paul (2 pictures - 173k total)
- Beatles Yellow Submarine: John (2 pictures - 159k total)

Available NOW weeks ahead are:
- Conan, 5 styles, $13.95 each!
- 12" Alien, $34.95!
- 12" Predator, $34.95!
- Elvis "50th Anniversary", $13.95 each!
- Elvis 12" '68 Special, $34.95!
- Kiss Shot Gun Deluxe Box Set, $76.95!
- Ozzy Osbourne "Bark at the Moon", $13.95 each!
- Beatles "Yellow Submarine", Set of 4, $54.95!

And arriving next Friday:
- 12" Flying Spawn (Series 24), $39.95!
- 12" Wings of Redemption Spawn (Series 21), $39.95!
- Beatles "Yellow Submarine" Box Set, $28.95!

Get yours FIRST at Action-HQ.com!

available at action-hq.com

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

All images, format, content, and design are copyright © 1994-2013 Raving Toy Maniac. No part of these pages may be reproduced without express written consent of the Raving Toy Maniac. Licensed character names and images are copyright © their respective companies.