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CPM: ShootFighter Tekken DVDs

shootfighter tekken dvd set

New York, NY (September 24, 2004) � Central Park Media announced its December DVD releases, which includes the 3-DVD set of its martial arts hit series ShootFighter Tekken for only $49.99 (SRP). ShootFighter Tekken: The Tough DVD Collection will contain Rounds 1 and 2, as well as Round 3 the bone-crushing conclusion to the series, which will also be available individually for $19.99 (SRP).

ShootFighter Tekken: Round 3 will have audio tracks in both English and Japanese with English subtitles, a pre-order date of November 8, 2004, and a street date of December 7, 2004.

ShootFighter Tekken: The Tough DVD Collection

From the director of Blue Gender: The Warrior. Kiichi Miyazawa is a high school student and a lethal weapon! Under his father's training, Kiichi is on the fast track to martial arts super-stardom in the deadly Nanshin Shadow Style. Now, Kiichi has a match with destiny. His father's arch-nemesis and champion of World Pro-Wrestling; Iron Kiba has sent his students to obliterate the Nanshin Shadow Style and Kiichi's dad! "Solid fight scenes." - Newtype USA Magazine

Running time: 135 minutes
Genre: Martial Arts/Adventure
Rating: 16UP
Catalog #: USMD 2441
SRP: $49.99
UPC code: 7-19987-24412-2

ShootFighter Tekken: Round 3

When it comes to martial arts, Kiichi Miyazawa has always been the best. But when his father is hospitalized, it's time for the teen super-star to become a man and take his father's place in the ring against the champion of World Pro-Wrestling, the legendary Iron Kiba! "If you enjoy martial arts anime, this is a must-see title." - Japan Hero.com

Running time: 45 minutes
Genre: Martial Arts/Adventure
Rating: 16UP
Catalog #: USMD 2435
SRP: $19.99
UPC code: 7-19987-24352-1

Central Park Media has been a leading supplier of anime in the United States since 1990. The company currently manufactures and distributes three home entertainment lines, each offering anime product for a distinct and discriminating audience: U. S. Manga Corps, Central Park Media and Software Sculptors. With exclusive rights to hundreds of book, video and music products, the company has become a leader in integrated media, as well as a leading publisher of graphic novels under its CPM Press label. Central Park Media also carries a broad array of documentaries released under its CPM label, as well as live-action Japanese feature films under its Asia Pulp Cinema label.

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