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Sky Dancers Dolls Return

DEERFIELD BEACH, Fla., October 21, 2004 -- Play Along, Inc., a division of JAKKS Pacific, Inc., is reaching for the sky with a new line of Sky Dancers(R) dolls that really fly! Under a license agreement with Abrams/Gentile Entertainment, Play Along will bring the 1990's girls' doll sensation Sky Dancers back to consumers in early 2005. The Sky Dancers dolls, first launched in the mid-nineties, sold over 20 million units at retail between 1995 and 1997.

"What made this toy so special is that for the first time, children could recreate the fantasy of "fairy" flight with a toy. The dolls really fly!" said Jay Foreman, President of Play Along(R).

Sky Dancers stand about 7" tall and sit in a hand held launcher that releases the doll into the air when the launcher's cord is pulled. The dolls are designed to look like fairies and have wings that spin to create the lift the dolls need to fly from the child's hand. They sail softly into the air 10' to 15' and float gently back to earth.

Foreman continued: "This was one of the most successful and innovative girls' toys of the nineties. Every seven or eight years, a new group of children enter the age demographic of this toy. We feel that Sky Dancers is an evergreen toy and that every little girl would love to own a few at some point in her childhood."

"We knew we had a unique product when we first developed the line ten years ago," said Marty Abrams, one of the Sky Dancers creators. "Since then we have been able to add numerous improvements to enhance every aspect of the dolls. Seeing the dolls in flight is truly magical!"

Sky Dancers dolls, sold with launcher included, are slated to hit store shelves worldwide in January of 2005 and are expected to retail for about $15.

About Abrams/Gentile Entertainment, Inc.:

Abrams/Gentile Entertainment, Inc (AGE, Inc.) is a full service entertainment company which develops, creates and produces youth consumer products and family brand entertainment. Founded in 1986, AGE has created and developed many best-selling products and programs including the Power Glove(TM), Sky Dancers(R), Dragon Flyz(R), Kinder-Garden Babies(R), Bucky O'Hare(TM) and Shining Stars(TM). AGE has also created and produced over 150 half-hours of award-winning children's television programming including such shows as Jellybean Jungle(TM), Happy Ness(TM), Sky Dancers(R), Dragon Flyz(R), and Van-Pires(TM). For more information visit the company's website at www.ageinc.com.

About Play Along, Inc.:

Play Along, Inc., a division of JAKKS Pacific, Inc., made its debut in 1999 with the Britney Spears(R) doll line, which broke all records for sales of an individual personality doll. Since then, Play Along(R) has produced a string of popular toy lines, including Care Bears(TM), THE DOG(TM), Curly Qs(R), Teletubbies(R), The Lord of the Rings(R) and now -- new for the Summer of 2004 -- the Cabbage Patch Kids(R)! For more information, visit the company's web site at www.playalongtoys.com.

About JAKKS Pacific, Inc.:

JAKKS Pacific, Inc., is a multi-brand company that designs and markets a broad range of toys and leisure products. Product categories include Action Figures, Arts & Activity Kits, Stationery, Writing Instruments, Performance Kites, Water Toys, Sports Activity Toys, Vehicles, Infant/Pre-School, Plush, Construction Toys and Dolls. The products are sold under various brand names including Play Along(R), Flying Colors(R), Road Champs(R), Remco(R), Child Guidance(R), Pentech(R), Trendmasters(R), Toymax(R), Funnoodle(R), Go Fly a Kite(R) and ColorWorkshop(TM). The Company also participates in a joint venture with THQ, Inc. that has exclusive worldwide rights to publish and market World Wrestling Entertainment(TM) video games. For further information, visit www.jakkspacific.com.

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