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Nov. 18: Dynamic Forces on QVC

signed comics from Dynamic Forces

November 11, 2004, Runnemede, NJ � As the sun rises on November 18, 2004, so will the spotlight on Dynamic Forces Comics and Collectibles in a special show devoted to gift-giving ideas featuring the best in superheroes!

Beginning at 5:00 AM EST Thursday morning � one week before the Thanksgiving Holiday � fans and shoppers will have the rare chance to view a selection of Dynamic Forces items on QVC (check your local listings for the channel in your area).

signed comics from Dynamic Forces

Scheduled to appear are such limited edition signings and special packages as THE MIGHTY MARVEL MARQUE SET featuring signed Stan Lee comics PLUS Adam and Andy Kubert, John Cassaday and many other luminaries in the comics industry; THE SUPERFRIENDS - SUPER PACKAGE featuring comics signed by Jim Lee, Jeph Loeb, Alan Davis, Mark Farmer and more; THE LUCKY 21 STARTER SET featuring signed comics and a collection of TPB's; THE MARVELOUS #1 STARTER SET - featuring 3 Signed Limited Edition Comics, and much more!

signed comics from Dynamic Forces

So be sure to get plenty of sleep and set those alarms to be up and ready to shop on Thursday, November 18 at 5:00 AM (that's at 2AM for our West Coast Fans!) as DF invades QVC!

signed comics from Dynamic Forces

For more information on Dynamic Forces specialty merchandise, product art, exclusive creator interviews and upcoming releases, please visit the Dynamic Forces website at www.dynamicforces.com.

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