Kamen Rider Action Figures
 Classic Series: AmazonDecember 2004 - Two new action figure series based on one of the most classic Japanese hero franchises, Kamen Rider, will soon be available in North America through Diamond Comic Distributors!
 Classic Series: Stronger
Starting around the same time as Ultraman, the Kamen Rider series is every bit as long-lived and prolific as the silver giant! Created by Shotaro Ishinomori, Kamen Rider was the first "henshin tokusatsu," where the hero morphed from his normal identity to his superhuman one. Since the first show aired in Japan in 1971, the Kamen (or "Masked") Rider series has featured 20 different incarnations! The influence of the show has carried over through generations, and now fans of the series and related shows can add all new Souchaku Henshin (transforming armor) Kamen Riders to their action figure collections.
 Classic Series: V3
Imported from Japan and coming from Diamond Comic Distributor's new partnership with Bandai Japan, both the Kamen Rider Souchaku Henshin Classic Action Figures and Kamen Rider Souchaku Henshin Modern Action Figures contain 5" tall action figures that feature incredible articulation, removable helmets, and some even contain die-cast armor pieces. Not available in Mass Market outlets, each Kamen Rider figure includes character-specific accessories and weapons, and comes in an illustrated window box package. The Classic (1970s) series includes Kamen Rider (1971), V3 (1973), Amazon (1974), and Stronger (1975). The Modern (2000+) series includes Blade (2004), Faiz (2003), Kuuga Mighty Form (2000), and Ryuki (2002). Scheduled to ship in May 2005, these are two action figure sets that no fan or collector should be without.
 Modern Series: Blade
Fans can find these and other great products based on classic science fiction TV series at their local comics shop, or by contacting the Comic Shop Locator Service toll free at 1-888-COMICBOOK (1-888-266- 4226) or online at http://www.comicshoplocator.com.
 Modern Series: Faiz Modern Series: Kuuga