Beatles & ML at Corner Store Comics
 December 10, 2004 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Corner Store Comics has several new items of interest to collectors:
MORE PRE-ORDERS OPENED UP FOR MARVEL LEGENDS SERIES 8 & 9 SETS! We've crunched the numbers and determined that we could open up a few more pre-orders on sets of Marvel Legends Series 8 & Series 9 sets! This might be your best shot at picking up a complete set and keeping your sanity in the process. We are also still accepting pre orders for full sealed cases of both Series 8 & 9 as well, which will receive TOP PRIORITY when orders are filled. Check it out!
STREET FIGHTER IS COMING! STREET FIGHTER IS COMING! We've just received word that we should be receiving another HUGE order of Street Fighter Series 1 figures next week. If you've been having trouble finding all your favorites, look no further. We've still got slots available to reserve your Ryu, Chun Li, Bison, Sagat, & Sodom figures, as well as the Grey Ryu, Pink Chun Li, & Turquoise Chun Li Variant figures. It looks like we'll be able to get them out to you U.S. customers by Christmas too! Ho Ho Ho!
BATMAN: HUSH SERIES 2 HAS ARRIVED! AWESOME! The second series of Jim Lee-inspired Batman figures is here, and dang are they cool! Check out Superman, Catwoman, the Riddler, Harley, and Nightwing as they appeared in the hottest comics storyline of last year! These things are FLYING out of here, so jump on our complete set Super Sale deal now!
MICROMAN BATMAN FIGURES BY TAKARA ARRIVING NEXT WEEK! Originally bumped to December 22nd, it now looks as though the Microman Batman figures might make it here on the 15th, in plenty of time for Christmas! Get Batman, Catwoman, and more. Imported in limited quantities by DC Direct!
INUYASHA SERIES 2 IN STOCK NOW! The second series of Inuyasha figures has arrived. Now you can pick up Sesshomaru & Kikyo, and while you're at it, grab the Series 1 Inuyasha & Kagome that you might have missed the first time around.
CAN'T BUY ME LOVE... BUT YOU CAN BUY SOME COOL BEATLES CARTOON FIGURES NOW! The Fab Four is back in these great McFarlane figures based upon the Saturday morning cartoon series from the 60's. Check out John, Paul, George and Ringo in their blue duds, complete with instruments! Also available, the refreshed Beatles: Yellow Submarine figures!
BLEEDING EDGE GOTHS 12" SERIES 3 DOLLS SELLING FAST! Nothing says "Merry Christmas" more than a tall, dark & moody gal in wine velvet with scorching red hair! The Series 3 Bleeding Edge Goth 12" Fashion Dolls are the best looking set yet, all dressed up and ready for a holiday celebration... Of course, that holiday might Halloween instead of Christmas. Also in stock: All four 7" Series 3 Goths plus most of the Series 1 & 2 dolls figures as well!
TRIGUN: GAZELLE THE PEACEMAKER PRE-ORDERS ARE ON SALE! The newest addition to one of the all-time coolest anime/manga action figure lines is coming next Spring. Gazelle the Peacemaker keeps up Kaiyodo's long tradition of intricate detail and awesome accessories. This figure will be imported exclusively by Previews, and is sure to sell out like every other Trigun figure to date.
GET YOUR IN STOCK ITEMS IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! There is still time to get your "In Stock" items in time for Christmas. We will keep shipping right up to last possible moment to get you your gifts on time (even if they're for yourself... hehehe...)! All domestic orders for "In Stock" product received by December 21st should arrive in time for Christmas.
At CornerStoreComics, your credit card is not charged until the product is in stock and ready to ship. Don't have a credit card? No problem! We also accept PayPal through our secure server. We also accepts checks and money orders from domestic customers, so just drop us a line to make manual payment arrangements. We ship worldwide too (although international orders cannot be guaranteed to arrive in time for Christmas.) Stop by and get your gifts and goodies now!
Corner Store Comics