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8-inch WWE Chris Benoit Statue

Chris Benoit statue

First 4 Figures: Teaser Pics of WWE Chris Benoit Awakening Series - Rabid Wolverine to join Orton in Awakening Series

December 14, 2004 - Chris Benoit, the Rabid Wolverine, is one of Canada's most famous export to the WWE. His lengthy dominance and popularity in the WWE places him as part of the elite few to truly become a WWE superstar. What better way to pay tribute than First 4 Figures immortalising him in their latest set of 8 inch resin WWE range � Awakening?

Sculptor Brian Baity has caught Benoit's signature pose brilliantly, right down to his grunting and tussled hair. The official First 4 Figures website http://www.first4figures.com has been recently updated with all of Benoit's latest progress shots. Click on the link to check out more.

Chris Benoit's statue is subject to change dependant on WWE approval.

First 4 Figures WWE Awakening Product line-up:

  • Randy Orton
  • Chris Jericho
  • Kane
  • Eddie Guerrero
  • Chris Benoit

Approximate Retail Price: $49.99
Ages: 8 & Up
Available: May 2005

About First 4 Figures

First 4 Figures is a subsidiary of Puzzle Productions. Puzzle Productions manufactures and markets high quality resin figures under the brand name First 4 Figures. Included its product line up includes famous licenses such as Tales of Midnight, WWE and Magic the Gathering. Visit the official site http://www.first4figures.com.

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