Contest: Marvel MiniMates 8 & 9

December 2004 - RTM has launched a new contest: enter by January 12th to win the next two series of Marvel MiniMates (Series 8 & 9), including variants, from Diamond Select Toys.

James Bond Contest Reminder: Don't forget to enter by December 22nd for your chance to win one of three James Bond action figures (Famke Janssen as Xenia Onatopp, Joseph Wiseman as Dr. No, or Sean Bean as 006 - Alec Trevelyan) from Sideshow Collectibles. Enter by December 22nd via the contest page.
While you are in a contest-entering mood, be sure to check out the contest links page to see other online toy contests, including the 12 Days of Christmas Contest on
Recent winners: Congratulations to David Le, who won the Ultimate Mr. Fantastic Mini Bust from Diamond Select, and to Bridgette Williams, who won the eBay Lunchbox from eBay.