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Bome: Kirasaki Mai and Sai Figures

Bome: Kirasaki Mai and Sai Figures

December 2004 - The anime and manga motifs are hotter than ever, as displayed through the new Bome: Kirasaki Mai and Sai Figures, available exclusively in North America through Diamond Comic Distributors!

Bome: Kirasaki Mai and Sai Figures

Bom� is a famous Japanese sculptor who, for many years, created popular garage kits (home-made kits or statues, often created in the garage or workshop, that are made in small, limited numbers), and then went on to work with Japanese toy manufacturer, Kaiyodo. Most well-known for his sexy, anime-style women, Bom� is regarded as a "fine artist" by his many fans, and even hosted an exhibit of his works in early 2001 in Paris, France! Now, fans of sexy anime and alluring art can exhibit their favorite artistic styling with this new figure.

Bome: Kirasaki Mai and Sai Figures

Imported from Japan, Mai is available in a red dress, and Sai in a green dress. Constructed from durable PVC, both figures each have their own unique details and facial expressions. These sexy anime-styled figures measure approximately 9" tall (with no articulation) and are the fifth and sixth figures in the "Monsieur Bom� Collection." Scheduled to ship in April 2005, this is one figure that no import toy collector or anime/manga fan will want to be without.

Bome: Kirasaki Mai and Sai Figures

Fans can find these and other great products based on today's most popular Japanese imports at their local comics shop, or by contacting the Comic Shop Locator Service toll free at 1-888-COMICBOOK (1-888-266- 4226) or online at http://www.comicshoplocator.com.

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