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DF Takes on Top Cow's Wanted

wesley statue from dynamic forces

January 4, 2005, Runnemede, NJ - Dynamic Forces, Inc. today announced that a deal had been finalized between creators Mark Millar, JG Jones, Top Cow Productions and Dynamic Forces to produce merchandise for the Wanted comic book series.

The deal, which is effective immediately, will allow the company to produce signed and unsigned lithographs and statues, with the company continuing to offer alternate and variant editions of the Wanted series under a previous arrangement with Top Cow Productions.

"Mark [Millar] and JG [Jones] are doing the work of 10 men on this series," said DF President Nick Barrucci. "This has been one of the best new series to come together in quite awhile, and we're happy to be a part of it, and keep the fans happy until they re-team for a series sequel (or prequel, I'm not picky, either way they'll do a great job!) or produce the movie! In the meanwhile, I'll have to be happy re-reading the entire series when the Hard Cover hits from Top Cow!"

Artist JG Jones added, "I'm really excited about seeing the Wesley and Fox statues. What I've seen so far looks fantastic. You know you want 'em!"

Writer Mark Millar agreed, saying, "This stuff actually looks very cool and, if I didn't get them for free, I would actually shell out my own cash for the statues. As a notoriously cheap Scotsman, I can make no higher recommendation."

Fans can look for the first-ever Wanted Statue (featuring Wesley) to be offered in the comings months. More details and information on Wanted merchandise will be released in the weeks to come!

For more information on Dynamic Forces specialty merchandise, product art, exclusive creator interviews and upcoming releases, please visit the Dynamic Forces website at www.dynamicforces.com.

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