Topps X-Men Promo Card To Be Given Away at Titan A.E.
In a joint promotion with 20th Century Fox (the studio releasing bothTitan A.E. and X-Men: The Movie), Topps will provide more than 2,000,000 all-new X-Men promo cards to movie theaters showing Titan A.E. for the animated film's opening weekend, beginning Friday, June 16. This exclusive card (#0) differs from the four promo cards previously released by Topps. Titled Mutants Among Us, the new card features the costumed cast of heroes and villains. Comic Book retailers will be pleased to know that the card back includes the toll-free number of the Comic Shop Locator Service. Look for this promotion to be highlighted in a special blurb in major Titan A.E. newspaper advertising. [Posted 6/15/2000]