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DST: Archie Comics Busts & Statues

January 27, 2005 - Diamond Select Toys and Collectibles is pleased to announce its signing of the Archie Comics license. The license agreement, permitting Diamond to create limited edition resin statues and busts of Archie comic characters, is effective immediately.

The Archie Comics character library includes some of the most cherished characters in the history of comics, including Reggie, Veronica, and Jughead. Chuck Terceira, Director of Diamond Select feels that "the Archie family has woven itself into pop culture, and Diamond is looking forward to creating some new collectibles based on these classic characters."

"We at Archie Comics Entertainment are thrilled to be working with the team at Diamond Select and know that our readers and fans will love the new three dimensional representations of their favorite characters," said Steve Herman, VP of Merchandising for Archie Comics.

This is Diamond Selects third new license signing in the past couple of months, Transformers and G.I. Joe were both recently signed as well. These new licenses join Marvel Comics, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Alien vs Predator and others in the growing portfolio of Diamond Select.


DIAMOND SELECT TOYS AND COLLECTIBLES, LLC was founded in 1999 by sister company Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc. Envisioned to create unique and
exciting collectibles for children and adults alike, the company has licensed a variety of pop culture properties to be turned into merchandise. With partners such as Marvel Enterprises, Dreamwave Productions, Twentieth Century Fox, MTV, Bliss House, and MGM, Diamond Select Toys and Collectibles produces a large range of products based on a wide variety of properties, and is headquartered in Timonium, MD. For more information, visit www.diamondselecttoys.com.


Archie Comics Entertainment, LLC was established in 2003 as the entertainment and licensing affiliate of Archie Comic Publications, Inc., home of the world renowned character properties Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead and their Riverdale friends, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Josie and the Pussycats and Katy Keene, as well as super hero properties Mighty Crusaders including The Web. With offices in metro New York, Archie Comics Entertainment is involved in the development, production and worldwide distribution of original projects for television, film and home video, music, live events and the Internet as well as represents the licensing and merchandising of its enduring brands across all global markets. Archie Comics Entertainment is on the Internet at www.archiecomics.com.

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