Lord of the Rings: What Will Become of Toy Vault's Line?
With last weeks annoucement that New Line Cinema awarded the Master Toy License for the upcoming Lord of the Rings film trilogy to Toy Biz, fans have been wondering what was to become of the existing line of Middle Earth Toys produced by Toy Vault.Wonder no more. Toy Vault has issued a statement on their website addressing the situation - which should be good news to the company's many fans: Congratulations to Toy Biz for picking up the rights to produce figures based on the new LOTR movies. Toy Vault would just like to point out that this does not effect our license to produce figures based on the books. We will continue our line as planned with the release of Galadriel and the Barrow-wight this summer, then the release of, most likely, Aragorn and Legolas this winter. More figures will follow as our license isn't set to expire for another year. From that point we have right-of-first-refusal, meaning we have the right to match any competitors bid for the license when it does become available again. Of course, look to Raving Toy Maniac to bring you the latest information on upcoming developments from Middle Earth Toys, and Toy Vault.[Posted 6/16/2000]