Episode III Preview Figures Review
Pictorial Review of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Figures by Action-HQ.com
February 2005 - Please note the the introductions on the back of the cards contain spoilers.
 click to see four more images of General Grievous
General Grievous Collection 1: 1 of 4
Introduction on back of the card: General Grievous is a brilliant military fighter and commander of the droid armies. He was trained in lightsaber combat by the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, making him a particularly deadly opponent for the Jedi.
Accessories: Lightsaber, laser pistol and detachable cape.
Pros: 10 points of articulation, ball joint on neck and shoulders for better posability, nice sculpting on the cape, realistic details on the eyes and face and general overall nice dirty menacing look.
Cons: Grievous needs to be angle back for him to stand up straight. In this stance, his cape is too long and his claw feet do not lay correctly on the ground. Extra joints on the ankles would have corrected this problem. Do not take the clear rubber band that ties the lightsaber to his claw hand as it will not fit securely otherwise.
Notes: Lightsaber has a fiery display near its base noting a new kind of saber.
 click to see two more images of Tion Medon
Tion Medon Collection 1: 2 of 4
Introduction on back of the card: Tion Medon is the local administrator on the remote sanctuary of Utapau, a planet pitted with enormous sinkholes. He meets Obi-Wan Kenobi, who has arrived in search of the droid army leader, General Grievous.
Accessories: Cane and blaster rifle.
Pros: 7 points of articulation with ball joints on shoulders, nice detail throughout figure including cane and blaster rifle. Accessories fit well in hands.
Cons: Arms does not fit securely and falls off at the elbow when manipulated. Under normal conditions, this is not a problem.
Notes: None
 click to see a larger version and an additional image of the Wookiee Warrior
Wookiee Warrior Collection 1: 3 of 4
Introduction on back of the card: The towering, fur covered Wookiees defend their home planet of Kashyyyk when the Clone Wars shatter their peaceful jungle world. Intelligent, fiercely loyal and exceedingly strong, the Wookiees are led into battle by Yoda.
Accessories: Helmet, armor chest plate, armor shin guards and blaster rifle.
Pros: Lot of attachable accessories and scaled to size at 5 inches tall. 12 points of articulation with ball joints on shoulders and knees for greater posability.
Cons: Armor shin guards do not match the metallic paint of the armor chest plate. Better blending of colors between hands and forearms needed for its normal pose with laser rifle in his hands.
Notes: None

R4-G9 Collection 1: 4 of 4
Introduction on back of the card: R4-G9 is an astromech droid that accompanies Obi-Wan Kenobi on a mission to the sinkhole planet of Utapau, where Obi-wan hopes to destroy General Grievous, the supreme commander of the Separatist droid armies.
Accessories: Holographic project of Utapau.
Pros: Swivel arms, working wheels on bottom of its feet, reflective eye and nice rubber hoes on feet.
Cons: None
Notes: To extend the center leg, turn R4-G9 head clockwise. This is not noted on the card so be careful not to break him.
Click here to get Collection 1 Sneak Peak figures at Action-HQ.com Set of 4 for just $39.95 or Set of 2 General Grievous and Wookiee Warrior for $19.95!