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SRDX: Ikki Tousen Kanu Uncho Figure

Ikki Tousen Kanu Uncho Figure
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March 2005 - The anime and manga motifs are hotter than ever, as displayed through the new SRDX: Ikki Tousen Kanu Uncho Figure, available exclusively in North America through Diamond Comic Distributors!

The anime Ikki Tousen - also known in the world of manga as Battle Vixens - was created by Yuza Shiozaki and originally aired in 2003. Since that time, the series has garnered a large amount of acclaim from fans and anime critics. With its "new school" use of vivid colors, and an "old school" feel that reclaims the glory of the fighting-style anime, Ikki Tousen has quickly risen to become one of the most popular anime among otaku. Based on the amount of service the show receives from fans, the new SRDX figure depicting the tough, yet sexy Kanu Uncho should significantly add to retailers' anime customer base.

Imported from Japan, the Kanu Uncho figure is the latest in Yujin's "Super Real Deluxe" line of trading figures. Kanu Uncho stands 6" tall, and perfectly captures the beautiful battler from the fan-favorite series. Scheduled to ship in June 2005, this is one figure that no import toy collector or anime/manga fan will want to be without.

Fans can find these and other great products based on today's most popular Japanese imports at their local comics shop, or by contacting the Comic Shop Locator Service toll free at 1-888-COMICBOOK (1-888-266- 4226) or online at http://www.comicshoplocator.com.

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