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Namco Girls Mini Figures

Namco Girls Mini Figures

March 2005 - A new series of mini figures depicting some of the fan-favorite female characters from Namco's video game library will soon hit retailers' shelves, and will be available exclusively in North America through Diamond Comic Distributors!

In the 1970s, Namco Ltd. began their run to becoming one of the top video game manufacturers in the world. Even from their early games - including Galaxian, Pac-Man, and Pole Position - the company was at the top of the market, and the popularity of their games has not shown any signs of slowing down. Games such as Tekken, Soul Cailbur, and Ridge Racer have been the top selling video games during the times of their release. Now, fans of Namco's games, as well as collectors of unique figures, can celebrate their favorite girls of gaming with the release of Namco Girls Mini Figures Series #1, from Tomy Yujin Corporation - one of the world leaders in capsule toy production.

Namco Girls Mini Figures

Imported from Japan, this series of Previews Exclusive mini figures features 4" versions of some of the most highly recognized video game girls. From the great weapon-based fighter game, Soul Calibur II, comes the ninja Taki and sword-and-shield wielding Cassandra. And from the fact-paced racing action of Ridge Racer comes the virtual idol, Hitomi Yoshino. Scheduled to ship in August 2005, this first series of Namco Girls Mini Figures is one that can't be missed by any fan or collector.

Namco Girls Mini Figures
Hitomi Yoshino

Fans can find these and other great products based on anime and manga at their local comics shop, or by contacting the Comic Shop Locator Service toll free at 1-888-COMICBOOK (1-888-266- 4226) or online at http://www.comicshoplocator.com.

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