ML 9 at Big Bad Toy Store
 March 25, 2005 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer has several new items of interest to collectors:
MARVEL LEGENDS 9: The Galactus Series has just arrived - we have full sets of 7 figures available for $84.99. After this shipment sells out we will re-open our pre-order for the 2nd portion of our shipment arriving in April/May. The Green Hulk and Gray trimmed Bullseye figures are each also available in limited quantities. The set of 7 includes: Professor X, War Machine, Dr. Strange, Bullseye, Grey Hulk, Deathlok and Nightcrawler. Each figure comes with a part needed to complete the huge 16" tall Galactus bonus figure. Pre-Orders ship today & Monday.
HALO 2 SERIES 2: The next wave of Halo 2 figures includes the classic Green Master Chief, White Spartan, a Warthog with 2 minifigures and the Drone. Sets are available for $55.99 each and the Green Master Chief and White Spartan are each available for $14.99 each. Pre-Orders for Series 3 through 7 are available as well.
ENERGON BASICS: We've received a big batch of Powerlinx Battles basic figures - all these combiner figures are back in stock: A3, A4, D1, D2, D3, D4, C1, C2, C3, C4. This is a great opportunity to pick up full sets of 4 basic figures needed to complete your combiner.
GI JOE: The latest 3-Pack sets with comics has just arrived. These are some of the best looking sets Hasbro has released. Figures include: Storm Shadow, Snake Eyes, Red Ninja Viper - Scrap Iron, Serpentor, Firefly - and Duke, Destro, Roadblock.
DRAGONBALL Z: We've just received DBZ Series 17 figures. They are priced at $7.99 or $8.99 each and figures include: SS Vegeta, SS Goku, Burter, Captain Ginyu and Recoome.
MARVEL SELECT: Two new figures have just arrived, the exclusive She-Hulk from a Wizard World show and the new Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus.
ALIEN SIGNATURE STATUE - 16" tall high end statue from Palisades MASTER REPLICA: Cinderella's Glass Slipper Replica METALLICA: Master of Puppets Smiti mini-figure boxed set TRANSFORMERS: Transformers 2000 / Car Robots - Black Convoy - $39.99 COWBOY BEBOP: Spike Speigel action figure - $12.99 HELLSING: Set of 6 mini-figures from Yamato USA
EPISODE III STAR WARS: We've just received many pallets of new Episode III items - these will go live on our site at Midnight April 1st! I was honestly very impressed with the items - a great lineup overall.