JAKKS Pacific's September Release Is Too Cool
It's going to be a party in the toy aisles this September when JAKKS Pacific releases their upcoming WWF Rulers of the Ring 2 action figure assortment. JAKKS has just let RTM know that a trio of the World Wrestling Federation's hottest superstars, Too Cool, will finally see figure form with this series.For those of you who don't know, Too Cool is comprised of Scotty Too Hotty, Grand Master Sexy (pronounced sex-ay!) and the inestimable Rikishi! These dancin' wrestlers have become fan favorites over the past several months, and they have become highly requested as action figures. Come September fans will get their wish! Stay tuned to RTM for more information on Rulers of the Ring 2, and other upcoming JAKKS WWF assortments. Too Cool photo © 2000 WWFE [Posted 6/23/2000]