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DC Direct Revamps Web Site


April 20, 2005 - Be among the first to visit the all-new dcdirectonline.com, the official DC Direct website, which has an exciting new look and is now completely searchable. It's loaded with images of your favorite action figures, statues, replicas, posters, prints and more.

Don't miss the special spotlight on collectibles based on the upcoming blockbuster, BATMAN BEGINS.

Fans will easily be able to find the products they are looking for by just typing in a keyword.

Do you have a burning question about your favorite DC Direct product? Ever wanted to ask the DC Direct staff about your favorite character? Now is you chance to "Ask DC Direct"! This new column will allow visitors to send questions directly to the creative staff and talent behind their favorite DC Direct items. We'll post new replies to your letters on the site on a regular basis.

And, for the first time ever, fans can view select DC Direct items from multiple angles and even in closeups!

"The DC Web Team went all out in creating the new searchable DC DIRECT site, knowing how passionate our fans are for up-to-date and accurate information on these cool products," says Richard Bruning, DC's Senior VP - Creative Director. "We have additional features planned for the future that will continue to excite DCD collectors for a long time to come."

The site also includes pages for new releases, newly announced products, and backlist favorites. DC Direct items are listed by category as well, including Action Figures, Statues, Props and Replicas, Posters and Prints, and the DC Direct Gallery.

Visit http://www.dcdirectonline.com today!

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