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HasbroToyShop.com Launches in May

PAWTUCKET, R.I. -- April 20, 2005 -- Hasbro, Inc. is launching a direct to consumer website that will provide online shoppers with the convenience of purchasing toys and games at home, while also providing up-to-date information about the broad portfolio of Hasbro brands.

HasbroToyShop.com, which is scheduled to go live in May, will initially focus on a select number of Hasbro brands, including MY LITTLE PONY, WEEBLES, VIDEONOW and a variety of family games from Milton Bradley and Parker Brothers.

In addition, the G.I. JOE 3 3/4-inch scale makes its return with a variety of new figures and vehicles and will be available on HasbroToyShop.com, along with select online retailers. Attendees at the annual International G.I. Joe Collector's Convention, taking place in Minneapolis from June 24 -26, will be given the first opportunity to order this G.I. Joe product at the Convention only.

Following the Convention, new G.I. JOE product will be available to order on HasbroToyShop.com beginning July 1, with select online retailers having the product offerings available for order shortly after July 1. For more information about product availability, pricing and shipping, consumers can visit HasbroToyShop.com once the site goes live next month.

Hasbro (NYSE:HAS) is a worldwide leader in children's and family leisure time entertainment products and services, including the design, manufacture and marketing of games and toys ranging from traditional to high-tech. Both internationally and in the U.S., its PLAYSKOOL, TONKA, MILTON BRADLEY, PARKER BROTHERS, TIGER, and WIZARDS OF THE COAST brands and products provide the highest quality and most recognizable play experiences in the world.

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