Brunner cover artMay 4, 2005, Runnemede, NJ - As Dynamite Entertainment puts the finishing touches on the soon-to-be blockbuster first issue of Red Sonja (following, of course, the smash-hit success of the special priced Red Sonja #0), Red Sonja #2 (MAY052654) is shaping up to be an extra-sized issue, featuring two creative teams and two stories, at no extra cost! That's right, all for the regular cover price of just $2.99.
Dynamite Spokesperson J. Allen: "We've got so many great Sonja stories to tell that we just couldn't wait to get going with them. So, Red Sonja #2 will feature a special bonus prelude back-up to the upcoming Red Sonja Vs. Thulsa Doom! Yes, THAT Thulsa Doom, the character portrayed on the big screen by James Earl Jones in the very first Conan movie! We wanted to make this bigger and better for the fans and retailers, so we're adding this original story, leading in to the crossover, at no extra cost!"
The 7 page back-up "Red Sonja Vs. Thulsa Doom" story will be written by filmmaker Luke Lieberman and NY Times Best Selling Author (and fan favorite comic writer) Peter David and will serve not only as a pre-cursor to Sonja's first appearance in Conan #23, but will also serve as an "In Between" story of when Thulsa destroyed Conan's family and village, and a pre-cursor to Conan's own battle with Thulsa Doom at the end of the movie. It all begins in Red Sonja #2 as part of a special preview!
Red Sonja #2 itself will continue to feature the regular creative team of Michael Avon Oeming and Mike Carey (co-Writers), Mel Rubi (Artist), and Ceasar Rodriguez with Richard Isanove (Colorists); With Cover Art (Shipping in Equal Increments) by: JG (Wanted!) Jones, Art (Upcoming big project!) Adams, another great Mel (Red Sonja, X-Men) Rubi Wrap-Around Cover, and classic Red Sonja artist Frank Brunner (colored by Jose Villarrubia).
Special chase covers will include new art by Billy Tan (1-in-25 copies) and Esteban Maroto colored by Jose Villarrubia (1-in-65 copies)! A special Retailer Incentive works out like this: Retailers Who Order 300 Copies Of Red Sonja #2 will receive a Rare RRP Edition featuring an original Red Sonja piece by Adam Hughes presented in black, white, gray, and red! This is going to be one of the most powerful RRP Editions ever! Fans should consult with their local retailer about securing a copy of these Retailer Incentive editions.
The double-sized action, adventure and excitement begins in July. Be there (we would appreciate it)!
About Dynamite Entertainment Dynamite Entertainment, is a premier licensor and innovative publisher of the comic industry's key and most popular comics including the Army of Darkness, Jim Starlin's Cosmic Guard, The Re-Animator, Eduardo Risso's Borderline, and the #1 selling title in April of '05, Red Sonja. More information about the company can be found online at