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Rogues Gallery: Rhino Bust

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May 2005


A Diamond Select Release! An Art Asylum Sculpt and Design! Once a smalltime crook and enforcer for crime-lords, Alex O'Hirn would eventually become greater than his dim-witted mind had ever imagined. As the subject of a radical experiment, O'Hirn developed super-human strength and endurance that, combined with the development of an indestructible suit, created one of the most formidable opponents that Spider-Man, The Hulk, and others would face: The Rhino!

This 7" bust depicts the rampaging Rhino bursting though a rock wall � head down and ready to go! The bust also features a detailed rock base with a sculpted "Rhino" nameplate.

Limited to 3,000 pieces worldwide, this bust features a hand-numbered base, with matching hand-numbered box, and a Certificate of Authenticity. In stores September 2005.

The suggested retail price is $45.00.

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