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9th Annual Toy & Game Inventor's Forum

May 2005 - Bigger than ever before, the Toy and Game Inventor's Forum rolls into Orlando from September 8-10, 2005 at Walt Disney's Contemporary Resort.

TGIF is the only event in the world where attendee and exhibitors get to meet, learn from and sell their ideas or inventions to the "who's who" of the toy & game industry.

TGIF boasts a speaking faculty of over 40 key toy and entertainment executives from companies that include: Mattel, Hasbro, Hasbro Games, Fisher-Price, Imagination Entertainment, Pressman Toy, Radica, Binney & Smith, Spin Master Toys, University Games, US Patent and Trademark Office, National Parenting Center, Calendar Club, Think Fun, Wham-O, Infinitoy, Ohio Art, Color Forms, Ravensburger (Germany) and ALGA (Sweden).

There will be many high-level buyers, reps, marketing gurus, technology firms, trend tracking organizations, forecasters and much more.

Attendees participate in round table discussions, one-on-one sessions and dozens of events over the 3-day program.

Join us and rub elbows, share ideas, make connections, exhibit your services, license your idea!

For further information or to register for TGIF, please visit our website at www.tgifhome.com (alternate link).

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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