May 2005 eBay Action Figures Barometer
 June 22, 2005 - eBay has compiled several "top ten" lists - an eBay Barometer to track trends. Shown below are the lists for the Action Figures section of eBay:
Top 10 Hot Categories
1. Star Wars Vintage (1977-89) 2. Masters of the Universe She-Ra 3. M.A.S.K. 4. Marx 5. Voltron 6. Mego 7. Robotech 8. GI Joe 3 3/4" Accessories 9. Transformers, Gen 1 10. Star Wars Prequels (1999-Now) The "hot categories" are the categories which had the highest conversion rates, meaning the categories which had the most successful listings (completed auctions) from the total number of listings.
Top 10 Buyer Searches
1. star wars 2. transformers 3. power rangers 4. custom 5. wwe 6. figurines 7. batman 8. lord of the rings 9. marvel legends 10. mcfarlane
Quote from eBay Category Manager, Jim Migdal: "With the May 19th release of Episode III, the final in the Star Wars saga, eBay has seen a boom in Star Wars items. Always a top search term on eBay, this Star Wars release is on track to record more than four times the sales on eBay than the 2002 release of Episode II. According to eBay sellers, General Grievous has proven to be one of the hottest characters."