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Barbie and Ken: They're Creepy and They're Kooky...

barbie_addamsfamily.jpg - 17189 BytesMattel will be releasing their latest Barbie Loves Pop Culture collectors set in August. Following the lead of previous sets based on pop culture phenomenons such as Star Trek, The X-Files and, most recently, Wonder Woman this latest release finds the worlds most famous doll couple decked out as Morticia and Gomez Addams.

Darkly divine, handsomely refined, the wonderfully creepy Addams Family is re-created by Barbie and Ken dolls. Barbie eschews the commonplace and is drop dead gorgeous as the unforgettable femme fatale, Morticia Addams. Her fabulous black gown, inspired by the acclaimed drawings by Charles Addams (whose darkly comic cartoonings inspired the famous television series, and movies), features chiffon flares. Long raven hair, dramatic eye makeup, and gothic shoes complement this eerie ensemble. Her final ghoulish detail: a generous garnet-like pendant. Ken wears his own reproduction of Addams styles: a navy and white pinstripe suit featuring a dapper golden chain. His dark hair, moustache, and sideburns bring Gomez to life.

[Posted 7/06/2000]

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