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Little Apple Dolls: The Story Book

little apple dolls story book

June 2005 - Welcome to the Inbetween! IDW and Underground Toys have, at last, announced the much anticipated Little Apple Dolls Story Book.

Before Little Apple dolls existed in the land of the living, there was a place that was neither here nor there - a place with and without life. This place, as fans of the Little Apple Dolls will be only too well aware, is known as "the Inbetween".

The book takes us on a journey to the resting place of wandering souls: The Inbetween. Ufuoma Urie, the creator of the popular line of dolls, as well as the author and illustrator of this book introduces the intriguing stories of Sine, Umbrae, and Circe.

Published by IDW, Welcome to the Inbetween is a 56 page work of art in its own right. Beautifully illustrated with a hard back cover, it comes in a 6" x 6" square format.

Underground Toys are very excited about the books imminent release. A spokesman said, "Series 1 dolls have been terrifically popular and Series 2 are selling out even though they have only just been put out on the shelves! The book is something that fans have been asking about for many months now so we are anticipating a great response." He added, "Urie's Little Apple Dolls are very special and it's wonderful to be able to present her vision in a book form."

The book will be available to buy in July and will retail at around $19.99. Urie will be personally signing copies of her creation each day at the San Diego Comicon in July. Urie will also be signing copies of her story book at the Manchester Forbidden Planet UK Store on Friday 5th August.

Don't forget to visit www.littleappledolls.co.uk.

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