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Star Wars Chocolate Mpire Images

July 2005 - These Star Wars Chocolate Mpire PVC figure sets were found in an Iowa Super Wal-Mart over the July 4th weekend. Each two-pack was $6.88, and they were stocked in the Star Wars display in the overflow action figure aisle.

The figures are unarticulated except as noted below. The display stands say "The Star Wars Mpire" with a red M&M as the M in Mpire. The image on the cardbacks (behind the figures) is a Death Star with a big M in the center.

Star Wars Chocolate Mpire PVC Figures
Queen Amidala, R2-D2, and C-3PO
click to see larger image (68k, 598 x 610)

Despite the "Includes 2 display stands!" on the packaging, there are three display stands included in this set. R2-D2's two outer legs can be moved.

Star Wars Chocolate Mpire PVC Figures
Han Solo and Boba Fett
click to see larger image (59k, 554 x 640)

Star Wars Chocolate Mpire PVC Figures
Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia
click to see larger image (60k, 568 x 612)

Star Wars Chocolate Mpire PVC Figures
Count Dooku and Darth Maul
click to see larger image (59k, 566 x 610)

Count Dooku's right hand and Darth Maul's left hand (the hands holding their lightsabers) have twist joints. Darth Maul's lightsaber is bent slightly to fit in the packaging, but can be straightened when removed from the package.

In addition to these four sets, there are four others planned:

  • Chewbacca and Mace Windu
  • Emperor Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker
  • General Grievous and Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Stormtrooper and Darth Vader

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