MOTU, GI Joe at Big Bad Toy Store
 July 9, 2005 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer has several new items of interest to collectors:
PRE-ORDER STAR WARS UNLEASHED: We've just listed the EpIII Series 3 Unleashed set of 3 figures for $49.99 - this set includes one each of Han Solo in Stormtrooper Gear, Chewbacca, and a Clone Trooper. Unleashed Wave 2 will be arriving to us in about 7 to 10 days from Hasbro! Pre-Orders are available at $52.99 and a variety of other EpIII items including 500th Darth Vader are in stock.
PRE-ORDER SOUL OF CHOGOKIN: A lot of Chogokin announcements - the new Tetsujin 28 Blue Metal Version and Black Ox figures are now up for pre-order (no pictures yet) Bandai will be reissuing the GX-18 Getter Dragon, GX-19 Getter Liger, and GX-20 Getter Poseiden - instead of importing these directly from Japan we will be offering the exact same domestic versions at the very attractive prices of $64.99, $59.99, and $59.99 respectively - these have become very hard to find recently so this is a welcomed re-issue (they will be arriving about one month later than a shipment imported directly from Japan, but also are priced about 25% less than import prices would be). More GX-27 Gaiking will be arriving from Japan next week and pre-orders are available for $114.99.
PRE-ORDER MIGHTGAINE: We've listed pre-orders for 4 different Mightgaine figures, no pictures are available yet, but we'll list them as soon as we receive more info from Japan.
PRE-ORDER GUNDAM: The Gundam FIX 0027 Blue Destiny and FIX 0028 Guncannon have each just been listed at $44.99 per figure. The Fix 0025 is also up for pre-order and don't miss out on the FIX 0025 Penerope release which recently arrived.
JOHNNY CASH: Sota Toys will be releasing a Johnny Cash 'Walking the Line' figure based on a photo of him in the fall of 1969. This figure is priced at $13.99 and is first in the series of figures based on the Man in Black.
GI JOE CLASSIC LINE: We expect to receive much of this new series by the end of July, new pictures of the single figures wave 2 and the 3-packs with comic wave 2 have been listed. Look for the HISS Tank pre-order in the future after Hasbro releases the case info.
TRANSFORMERS MAGNIFICUS: These will be arriving in around 1 - 2 weeks - They have completely sold out in Japan from the manufacturer and we are about 80% sold out so this one won't be around for too long.
MICROMAN: Alien Set of 2, Predator Set of 3, and the Microman Road-Spartan RS-01 through RS-04 figures will all be arriving around Wednesday
MCFARLANE MILITARY AND ALIEN VS PREDATOR 2: Our shipment of McFarlane Military is in transit now and AvP 2 will be shipping out to us next week so look for both to arrive soon.
LORD OF THE RINGS - EOWYN AS DERNHELM: Sideshow has just shipped these out to us and a few spots on the pre-order roster have just opened up at $109.99
NECA MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE STATUES: The first wave of our Hordak, Snout Spout and Clawful figures has just arrived and the rest arrive around Tuesday. We've listed it as a normal In-stock item and will ship orders out Tues/Wed (Pre-Orders Monday) Very highly detailed mini-statues that are packed on blister cards - $57.99 per set of 3.
DC DIRECT - CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS: The latest release from DC Direct is now available as a set of 5 figures for $59.99. Series 2 is also now up for pre-order.
ANIME PVC STATUES: Three more ladies of anime have just arrived, from Onegai Please - the Miina Miyafuji figure at $37.99 and from Burst Angles we have Jo and Meg at $19.99 each.
SCARFACE: More of the realistic style Scarface figures are in stock starting at $11.99 per figure