Stan Lee: Power Patrol Jewelry
LOS ANGELES, July 12, 2005 -- Stan Lee's POW! Entertainment has partnered with tech whiz John Boucard and his invention studio "Infinite Machines, LLC" to introduce a new line of high tech gizmos and toys that target tweens, collectors, comicbook fans and gaming fanatics.

Utilizing Boucard's Footnote(TM) technology, POW! and Infinite Machines will soon introduce POWER PATROL, a new line of digital jewelry and wearables capable of storing and actually transferring digital super powers attained in a secret online game to a set of Power Patrol Rings that can be worn by fans wishing to emulate Super Heroes or Super Villains. The electronic Rings can transfer data back and forth from ring to ring, thus unlocking new powers, games, points and missions for the player or players.
"I've written about fictional characters most of my life," says Stan Lee, "but now that I'm actually working with a real-life superhero the experience is mind-boggling. John Boucard is to inventing as Spidey is to web-swinging. He has a high tech instinct for what the market needs and what the public wants. I predict that by next year his Power Patrol Rings will have become as ubiquitous as your TV's remote control. And that's just the beginning for John, who not only thinks outside the box, he can make the box itself interactive!"

John Boucard reports that his Rings interact with the POWER PATROL website ( and can only be secretly accessed by those possessing the Rings or recruited by a member of POWER PATROL. Additionally, ring-wearers playing the game can wirelessly receive and activate "secret missions" from Stan Lee himself, missions that only the best and brightest can solve. These missions could be digitally embedded in everything from trading cards, internet websites, movie theaters, posters, fast food outlets, or even in a DVD.
"It's a real thrill to partner with Stan, a kindred spirit and one of my childhood icons, in creating a unique, digital line of toys that will excite players and collectors alike. Each toy we create will offer new, high-tech features that have never been seen before. Most will employ our amazing Power Rings that can interface and actually communicate with your television, other stand alone devices and the Internet. We are developing various interactive products around Stan's new creations, whether it is a poster, a comicbook or even a complex action figure," enthused John Boucard, Founder/CTO of Infinite Machines, LLC.
Gill Champion COO POW! Entertainment says, "This type of Strategic Alliance with John and Infinite Machines is the kind of relationship POW! has nurtured to perpetuate Stan's global brand. The company continues to pursue and explore innovative areas of distribution and technology to monetize its new intellectual properties and franchises."
Founded in 2000 by John Boucard, Infinite Machines, LLC has developed several technology platforms that allow a Footnote(TM) to be embedded into physical objects such as trading cards, wearable jewelry, photographs and even plush toys, and to control and manipulate digital content being viewed on a television set, personal computer, DVD Player, cell phone, or the Internet. Infinite Machines has created innovative hardware, software, and server solutions integrating Footnote(TM) technology and is actively seeking marketing partners. Infinite Machines licenses its technology platforms to various companies exclusively and non-exclusively.
Most recently Infinite Machines licensed the ION Educational Gaming System (ION EGS) to Hasbro, Inc. for release in October, 2005.
POW! (Purveyors of Wonder) Entertainment, Inc. was founded by world famous comic book icon Stan Lee, together with Gill Champion and Arthur Lieberman. POW's principals combined, have more than a hundred years experience creating, producing, and licensing original intellectual properties. POW! specializes in franchises for the entertainment industry, including animation and live-action feature films, plus television, DVDs, video games, merchandising, and related ancillary markets, all of which aid in the establishment of global franchises. POW! partners with studios and networks in creating new and exciting characters that will perpetuate the brands of both POW! and Stan Lee. In some cases, POW! creates "custom-tailored" properties for a specific star or director.
Stan Lee, chairman and chief creative officer of POW!, is the creator and inventor of the modern superhero. A prolific author, Lee revolutionized the comic book industry by creating compelling characters who, despite extraordinary powers and talents, are nonetheless plagued by the same doubts and difficulties experienced by ordinary people. Some of his most enduring characters, like Spider-Man(R)(a), The Hulk(R)(a), and the X-Men(R)(a), have been spun off into television programs and feature films that have grossed hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office.