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DC & LEGO Team with SI for Kids


August 2005 - On August 10, DC Comics, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company and the world's largest English-language publisher of comics, is teaming with Sports Illustrated For Kids, the premier sports magazine for kids ages 8 and up, and LEGO Systems to launch the next chapter in the comic book industry's longest running and most successful custom comic program.

DC Comics continuing partnership with LEGO Systems has already resulted in more than 40 million comic books featuring the Danish toy company's hugely popular BIONICLE(r) characters. For the next stage of this ambitious program, DC Comics has created a series of BIONICLE custom comics that will run in both S.I. For Kids and the DC Comics kids line which includes The Batman Strikes, Teen Titans Go!, Justice League Unlimited, Scooby Doo and Looney Tunes. The program begins in Scooby Doo # 99 (on sale on August 10) and runs through the end of the year. To read the complete story, readers will need to read both S.I. For Kids and the DC Comics kids line. Each DC comic will offer a tag promoting the program.

"The BIONICLE comic book program is a ground-breaking way to demonstrate the storytelling power of custom comics and their ability to attract, entertain and drive brand awareness through traditional media vehicles like S.I. For Kids and DC Comics," said David McKillips, DC Comics Vice President of Advertising & Custom Publishing. "Together DC Comics and S.I. For Kids have developed a unique program that allows LEGO Systems to deliver its incredible comic stories and product messaging through a massive, multi-title print integrated media plan."

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