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Zatch Bell CCG Expansion Set

zatch bell ccg expansion packs

Supreme Powers of the Golden Spell

New Zatch Bell! CCG expansion brings raw power to the game!

Cypress, California - August 9, 2005 - Expand and triumph with the Zatch Bell CCG "Supreme Powers of the Golden Spell" the next release for the groundbreaking spell book CCG! A total of 112 new cards will expand players and collectors' knowledge, strategy and power in the game.

"The expansion is focused primarily on Zatch Bell and his golden spell," Says Yuya Toyomaru, lead developer for the English version of the Zatchbell CCG. "This is a spell that when activated makes Zatch Bell nearly invulnerable."

But there is so much more. Twenty-five new Mamodos are introduced as well as over 50 spells for current and new Mamodo. In addition, awesome Event cards will elevate game play and create incredible strategic combos and powerful spell books.

Zatch Bell's friends: Wonrei, Lopps, Danny and Ponygon join in to help along with their partners. New notorious Mamodo such as Barransha, Ethuroth, Zabus, and Burgo also appear in the new expansion wreaking havoc with every turn of the page! Brago becomes even more powerful with his 5th spell Dioga Gravidon which can severely damage opponent's Spell Books and injure all of your opponent's Mamodo cards.

Bandai will follow this booster expansion shortly with a brand new release of the popular spell books. New colors will be introduced allowing players to create new decks themed after their favorite Mamodos.

"The spell books have proven to be incredibly popular and we want to make sure that we give players and fans as much variety in collecting the books as they find in collecting the cards," Toyomaru explains. "The spell books, although necessary for gameplay, add an element of collectibility unlike any other game."

"Supreme Powers of the Golden Spell" will be sold in booster packs that will contain 10 cards: 1 rare, 3 uncommon, 5 common and 1 parallel holo-foil. Super-Rare inserts can also be found one in every 6 packs average. Booster packs will sell for around $3.99 and will have a street date of October 7, 2005. The new spell books, each containing an exclusive Mamodo card will hit the streets in early November.

Check out the game and any previews and updates at the official website: www.zatchbellccg.com.

About Bandai America Incorporated
Bandai America Incorporated is a subsidiary of Bandai Co. Ltd., the third largest toy company in the world, with 30 subsidiaries in 13 countries worldwide. Global interests include toys and children's entertainment, video game software, collectible card games, multimedia, music, full-length feature films, vending machines, candies and licensed apparel.

Bandai America Incorporated is the master licensee of some of the most popular properties and brands in children's toys and entertainment, including the Power Rangers, D.I.C.E., Teen Titans, Zatch Bell! and Tamagotchi product lines. Bandai America is headquartered in Cypress, California and company information is available at www.Bandai.com.

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