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Palisades Adds Die Hard PALz Feature

die hard palz figures

Die Hard PALz Section added to PalisadesToys.com

Elkridge, MD (August 11, 2005) - With PALz fast becoming a must-have commodity among toy collectors and block figure enthusiasts, Palisades Toys has added a section for its upcoming Die Hard PALz at www.PalisadesToys.com.

The Die Hard Trilogy features a New York Cop named John McClane who always seems to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. In fact, on three separate occasions, McClane finds himself the only person with the ability to stop the plans of international criminals, thieves and mercenaries. Reluctantly, our trusty man in blue rises to accept his role as a hero.

Series One of Palisades' Die Hard PALz--featuring characters from the fast paced original movie -- will be comprised of over 10 characters, including John McClane, Sgt. Al Powell, Holly Generro, terrorist mastermind Hans Gruber, and blonde haired terrorist Karl -- just to name a few. Die Hard PALz will be presented in a blind-box package and displayed in a four-color, die-cut counter display containing 16 individual pieces. These will be arriving at retailers everywhere this fall.

The ratio for Die Hard PALz is as follows:

John McClane - 1:8
Karl - 1:8
Tony - 1:8
Hans Gruber - 1:8
Sgt. Al Powell - 1:8
Holly Generro - 1:8
Yippee-Kai-Yay John McClane - 1:16
"Showdown" Hans Gruber - 1:16
Argyle - 1:32
Ellis - 1:32
Agent Johnson - 1:64
Special Agent Johnson - 1:64
Ho-Ho-Ho Tony - 1:64
"Showdown" John McClane - 1:64

For more information on Die Hard PALz, please visit http://www.palisadestoys.com/features/Diehard_feature/Diehardsite.html#. For more information on Palisades Toys, please visit www.PalisadesToys.com.

Palisades Entertainment, LLC ("Palisades Toys") designs, manufactures, and markets a variety of collectable toy products worldwide through sales to retailers and directly to consumers. Palisades Toys believes its products are among the most highly detailed and collectable action figures, PolyStone statues, PolyStone mini busts in the world. Formed in 1994, Palisades' products are sold throughout the world at various retail outlets including Toys "R" Us, KB Toys, Target, Electronics Boutique, Tower Records, Media Play, Sam Goody, Suncoast Video, Amazon.com and a variety of domestic and international comic shops and specialty retailer stores. Palisades Toys' current product portfolio includes The Muppets, Sesame Street, Adult Swim, Alien, Predator, Transformers, G.I. Joe, Ren & Stimpy, Army of Darkness, The X-Files, and others. Further information on this and all other Palisades Toys products is available via our company website at: www.PalisadesToys.com.

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