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SW, Xevoz at Big Bad Toy Store

Big Bad Toy Store

August 16, 2005 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer BigBadToyStore.com has several new items of interest to collectors:


- Deluxe Figure: The EpIII Deluxe Clone Trooper sets are back in stock - both the Red and Green figure variations are available for $14.99 each. More of the Rebuild Darth Vader, Clone Troper with Jet Backpack, Vulture Droid and Stass Allie have also arrived.

- Basic Figures: A very small shipment of #48, #49, #50, #54, #55, #56 - we have a lot more of these on order with Hasbro and are waiting for them to ship more to us.

- Force Battlers & M-Pire: New Force Battlers Luke & Han have arrived and we have 4 M-Pire M&M Plush figures in stock.

- Master Replicas: The Anakin FX Saber and Darth Vader FX Saber are each in stock now and ready for immediate shipment - both are priced at $99.99.

- Model Kits: The new Millenium Falcon Cut Away model has just arrived, another nice kit from Ertl priced at $19.99 with a lot of inner detail of the Falcon.

GI JOE - A REAL AMERICAN HERO: We've just received our entire shipment of wave 1 figures. Sets of 6 Series 1 figures are available for $33.99 - this set includes one each of: Crimson Guard, Medi-Viper, Major Barrage, Scrap Iron, Mutt, and Spirit. Three-Packs with comics are both in stock, the Night Ops Humvee is available for $16.99 and the awesome Cobra Night Watch 6-pack is in stock for $21.99 - a great troop building set.

CYBERTRON: Wave 2 Cybertron All Stars have just arrived - we have the full set of 4 figures in stock now for $19.99 - figures include: Scourge, Leobreaker, Jetfire, and Evac. Series 1 All Stars sets of 4 are also back in stock at $14.99 each.

XEVOZ: We've listed a pre-order for the hard to find Xevoz Franken'Punker, Infil-Traitor, and Hyper Guardian at the attractive price of $9.99, $9.99, and $11.99 respectively. These will be arriving to us in about a week, pre-orders are available.

MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE STATUES: Yet another new shipment of these very popular statues - sets of 3 figures are in stock now for $57.99


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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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