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Factory X Product Updates

buffy and underworld props from factory x

Factory X Product Updates
Factory X Previews Two Upcoming Products at FactoryX.com

Elkridge, MD (August 26, 2005) - Factory X has added two new products to FactoryX.com:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer™: The Urn of Osiris
The name of Osiris, the ancient Egyptian god of the underworld, was cited more than once on Buffy the Vampire Slayer... though, perhaps never more prominently than in the premier of the sixth season ("Bargaining") when Buffy's grieving friends attempt to bring her back from the dead. Willow's spell calls for the use of an ancient and hard-to-find artifact known as The Urn of Orisiris... which Anya conveniently tracks down on the internet. Buffy's friends attempt the spell, but things go awry, and the Urn is eventually smashed by a group of demons known as Hellions... leaving Buffy's fate - and the fate of the world - unknown.

Using the prop from "Bargaining" as reference, Factory X has created a stunningly beautiful replica of the Urn of Osiris - including the detailed Egyptian-themed paint scheme which encircles the Urn. The Urn of Orisis prop replica is constructed of high-quality Polystone, and comes packed 4 per case. SRP is $59.99.

Underworld™: Selene's Throwing Stars Prop Replica
In Underworld, a film that features an abundance of innovative weaponry including ornate swords, and UV and silver nitrate bullets, some of the most awe-inspiring weapons are the silver throwing stars deftly wielded by the heroine, Selene. The stars, although ornately decorated, appear to be simple metal discs until Selene hurls them at their intended target, when the beautiful-but-deadly curving blades are revealed. Very few have had time to meditate on the weapon's delicate beauty.

For the second release in their line of Underworld prop replicas, Factory X presents a trio of Selene's Throwing Stars. The first Star has the blades retracted, while the second two Stars feature the protruding serrated blades. The Throwing Stars are constructed from the highest quality metals, and come complete with an elegant black plaque, which is specially designed to display this deadly trio. 3 per case. SRP is $84.99.

Both items, which are listed as "coming soon" on the site, will be available at fine retailers worldwide early in the first quarter of 2006. Or, fans can purchase them directly from www.FactoryX.com once they are in-stock. For more information, please visit www.FactoryX.com and click on the "Store" to view the product details.

Be on the EDGE of PROP CULTURE!™, with Factory X!

Factory X - a division of Palisades Entertainment, LLC - is committed to developing high-quality, cutting edge products that enable fans to feel connected with their most beloved movies and television shows and characters. Factory X's prop replicas are among the most highly-detailed available, and are designed to immortalize the monumental moments and significant characters that made these movies and shows popular. With meticulous attention to detail, Factory X is able to bring these highlights to life. Factory X's current repertoire of licenses includes Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Jeepers Creepers 2, Sleepy Hollow, Underworld, and The X-Files.

Be on the edge of Prop Culture™ from Factory X.

Factory X Logo ™ and � 2005 Palisades Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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