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Teen Titans on Library Poster


September 13, 2005 - The American Library Association's (ALA) Graphics department is pleased to announce a new ALA Graphics poster featuring Teen Titans with the phrase "Avoid the rush! Return your library stuff on time!" The poster features original artwork and was created in cooperation with DC Comics. It will be available to the public on October 17.

ALA has partnered with DC Comics previously to create a number of dramatic posters that promote reading, literacy, and libraries including the Sandman poster that features Neil Gaiman's The Sandman, with original art by P. Craig Russell. A poster featuring Batgirl with original artwork by illustrator Gene Ha. A DC Comics superhero poster, "The World's Greatest Heroes @ your library" that has proved to be a perennial best seller for the ALA, and the recently released Batman poster with original artwork by Alex Ross. Though this partnership with DC Comics, ALA has been able to provide promotional materials for libraries that can be used to reach an audience interested in graphic novels and comic books.

Copies of the character posters are available for sale for libraries and fans alike. The posters sell for $13 and bookmarks (100/pack) sell for $7.50. Both are available online at www.alastore.ala.org or call toll-free 866-746-7252.

ALA Graphics also produces the popular line of celebrity READ posters, featuring notables such as Orlando Bloom, Salma Hayek, Missy Elliot, and Tony Hawk. Proceeds from the sales of all ALA Graphics posters help fund the work of ALA.

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