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TOKYOPOP: Win a Mountain of Manga

September 2005 - By overwhelming demand, TOKYOPOP's "Win a Mountain of Manga" contest is extending its run! You can win a dozens of TOKYOPOP manga by sharing Takuhai Online with as many of your friends as you can!

To enter, you must be logged into Takuhai online, if you're logged in you can simply click here to launch the signup form. We don't need much information, just your email address so we can contact you when you win!

Simply fill in the email addresses of as many people you know. Enter as often as you like, but remember, you can only submit each email once. The winner will be determined by the overall number of legitimate emails submitted. So the more emails you submit, the better your chance is of winning!

The Grand Prize:
The winning contestant will receive EVERY Manga title that TOKYOPOP publishes for the month of September!

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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