Joes, Microman at
 September 14, 2005 - (Sponsor Announcement) - News from
Frontline Comic Sale
GI JOE fans just didn't seem to be as interested in the GI JOE: Frontline comic book series as they were in the main series. It's a bit of a mystery to us, as we thought it was a great series - but you (the marketplace) have spoken. As such, Devil's Due had cancelled the book and we long ago realized that we overbought it. We're overstocked, and thus we will have a 50% off sale on all GI JOE: Frontline comics through the end of October. If for some strange reason you've been hesitant to collect this series now is a great, economical opportunity to pick it up.
As a further incentive to get you to buy the entire run, we've offered a special set purchase option in which you get a better than 50% discount - just $1.27 per issue. How can you beat this deal?
New Figure 6-Packs
The Crimson Shadow Guard and Heavy Assault Squad 6-figure sets will be arriving in a few days. The Crimson Shadow Guard is superb, while the Heavy Assault Squad is an embarassing piece of garbage that should never have been released. Nevertheless, we are offering a limited quantity of the latter for completist collectors.
Some new Microman product has arrived this month. First, we have a Samurai Batman which completes the Batman Begins line-up. Scratching our heads as to where a Samurai Batman fits into the Batman Begins movie but, in any case, it's a cool figure.
We also have three figures from the Japanese Anime Gao Gai Gar:
Shishioh Guy Swan White Mikoto Utsugi
The 1:18 scale F4U Corsair is here. It's another beautiful piece as you'd expect from Blue Box.
We also got in a VERY limited supply of the U.S. Marine Force figures. They are being sold as a complete set of six only. When these are gone we do not anticipate being able to get more, so get them now if you want them.
Lanard doesn't have much new to offer in the 3 3/4" (1:18 scale) area this year, but we just got in their one new vehicle offering for the year: the Rhino missile tank. It appears to be a take-off on the U.S. M730A2 Guided Missile Equipment Carrier (Chaparral). It features both light, sounds, and recoil action on the missile platform, as well as real, rolling motorized treads to take on tough terrain.
We'll have the 1:18 scale Japanese army figures in about one week so watch the web site for updates.
In the meantime, we've added the German WW2 88mm flak cannon to our 1:32 scale offerings.
SMALLJOES.COM owner Corey Stinson is auctioning some extra items from his personal collection. Most of the items have some degree of rarity to them. Here is a partial listing of some of the items up for sale:
- Cobra Infantry 6-figure troop builder sets (disappeared immediately at retail!)
- GI JOE convention 2003 Firefly 2-pack (sold out at that show!)
- Various European carded GI JOE vs. Cobra and Spy Troops figures. (packaging variations for the international figure collector)
- GI JOE comic 3-packs featuring the core Oktober Guard characters (produced in very limited numbers, many retailers never even got any from Hasbro - including SMALLJOES.COM)
- GI JOE Gung-Ho vs. Destro rare variation pack (this is the quite rare version of Gung-Ho that is without facial hair)
- GI JOE Shimik figure from Argentina (one of the rare "Argen 7")
- Valor vs. Venom set of three Wal-mart exclusive 2-packs (more sets produced in small numbers that vanished quickly at retail)
- Lots of other GI JOE 2-packs that are now hard to find.
Fair shipping prices and very low opening bids on everything so you have an excellent chance of getting a great deal on some hard to find items.
The auction listings can be found here.
...or do a seller search for eBay user ID 'coreystinson'.
These auctions will end Sunday afternoon, September 18th. Bid early so that you don't miss out!
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Thanks for reading, and we hope you'll stop by and check out the site soon.
Regards, SMALLJOES.COM Staff