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Series 3 Little Apple Dolls

Series 3 Little Apple Dolls
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Little Apple Dolls - Series 3

LONDON 21st September 2005 - Little Apple Doll fans will be thrilled to hear about the arrival of Series 3 and Underground Toys are forecasting, based on website feedback, that this series are going to be the most sought after yet.

Each doll's costume is beautifully elaborate. The collection includes the spooky Oneris dressed all in black, Vates the prophetress, the corrupted Sanem, Triginta Tres and we understand there is a MYSTERY doll which Underground Toys anticipate to be a really big seller. They wouldn't disclose any information but apparently this doll will be short packed.

Included with each doll is a very dark and surreal story book about the character's life and the apple and pins. An Underground Toys spokesman said, "since we started the Little Apple Doll Fan Club where the 'Furenzu' (fans) can chat online we know that Series 3 will be the most popular yet." Check out www.littleappledolls.co.uk.

Series 3 is expected to be in stores at the end of the year.

Further info:

Little Apple Dolls are created by UK artist, Ufuoma Urie.

Series 1 are the founders, particularly Sine who gave Little Apple Red a persona in its own right. Little Apple Red acts as a protector of souls and guardian to the children, or rather the dolls.

The Little Apple Dolls have become increasingly popular with fans who have been collecting both Series 1 and 2.

The Little Apple Dolls stand around 13" tall and are dressed in cloth costumes. Each doll is packed with her own "Little Apple" complete with metal pins.

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