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SW, Cybertron at Big Bad Toy Store

Big Bad Toy Store

October 28, 2005 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer BigBadToyStore.com has several new items of interest to collectors:

Hi - It's been a long time since our last newsletter, thats because we were working feverishly to launch an all new version of our website! The new site recently went live with a ton of upgraded features and many nice improvements!

Our new site features a full account system, completely organized and searchable/sortable menu system, improved product listings, the return of the vintage department (tons of vintage G1 Transformers, Star Wars, GI Joe, MOTU) and much more, please view the welcome message on the front page of www.bigbadtoystore.com

Pre-Order Note - old system orders canceled: We've already emailed everyone who had a preorder with us on the old system, but just in case that didn't reach you, a quick recap. Our new website differs from the old version in data structures and payment processing structure so that old preorders could not be migrated to the new system. If you've not done so already, you'll need to create an account on our new site and reorder any preorder items, we truly apologize for the inconvenience. Please read the BBTS FAQ for more info: http://www.bbts.com/bbts/help.aspx


STAR WARS: A new wave of EpIII basic figures has arrived, now in stock are: #48 R2, #54 AT-RT, #55 Obi-Wan, #56 Mustafar Sentry, #57 Commander Bly, #58 Wookie Commando, #59 Commander Gree, #60, Grievous' Bodyguard, #61 Passel Argente, #62 Cat Miin, #63 Neimodian Commander. The majority of these are priced at $8.99 each!

CYBERTRON: New Deluxe and Voyager arrivals! Now in stock is the very cool Evac helicopter for $28.99, back in stock are Red Alert and Override for $11.99 each. Other new deluxe arrivals include Snarl and Sideways at $14.99 each. Nearly all the other Cybertron figures are also in stock on the new cybertron menu.

SPAWN 28 - REGENERATED: McFarlanes latest Spawn releases are now in stock at very competitive prices. McFarlane raised the wholesale pricing on these figures, yet we've lowered our price to $59.99 for the full set of 6. This awesome set features updated versions of Cyber Spawn, Grave Digger, Lotus Warrior, Commando Spawn, Zombie Spawn, Mandarin Spawn. The boxed set of Urizen vs Spawn is $19.99.

LORD OF THE RINGS EPIC TRILOGY: Wave one of the new Epic Trilogy series has just arrived, now in stock are updated versions of Aragorn, Frodo, Legolas, Gandalf, Eye of Sauron, Gondorian Swordsman and Gothmog. These are available starting at $5.99 each.

BUBBLEGUM CRISIS: Four new figures imported by Yamato USA are now available for $64.99 each. Nicely detailed 6" figures include #01 Priss, #02 Linna, #03 Nene, #04 Sylia.

STAR WARS MODEL KIT: The 1/7 Scale Blue Clone trooper kit from Kotobukiya is now in stock for $84.99 - this is another high quality offering from Japan, it stands around 10" tall when assembled. Boba Fett, Darth Maul, and Yoda model kits are also back in stock

BLUE BOX ELITE FORCE 1:18 LITTLE BIRD: The 1:18 scale vehicles are always very popular, we've stocked up on their latest helicopter and priced it at just $18.99

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: The second series of 12" figures from Majestic Studios has just arrived, this wave features Starbuck and Commander Adama - each is priced at $37.99

FANTASTIC FOUR: A variety of figures and vehicles based on the summer hit have just arrived including series 3 and series 4, 12" Electronic thing and a variety of bump'n'go vehicles.

SAURON STATUE: We have just a few of this huge statue left, Sauron is priced at $319.99 and will be the highlight of your LotR statue collection

Thanks so much for your interest in www.bigbadtoystore.com - we put a ton of work into our new website so be sure to explore it and see all the new listings. We'll be buying up collections of older items to list as well as carrying all the new products, so you can count on our selection improving even more over time.


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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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